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The background.


Sam grew up near Rochdale in Greater Manchester. She had happy, loving childhood. In 2003 Sam met her soon to be husband. They married and soon afterwards, baby 'L'* was born in August 2007. Sam fell totally and utterly in love with her first precious baby boy. Sam's second son ‘D’* was born four years later, in February 2011. Sam was equally as delighted with her second beautiful baby boy. However the relationship with the father ended shortly after D’s birth. (*For legal reasons, Sam cannot name either of her two sons. They will therefore only be referred to as 'L' and 'D').


Things were at times very difficult and Sam was becoming more anxious about the father's behaviour. There were other concerns surrounding her sons that she can not mention for legal reasons. However, nothing could have prepared her for the horrifying events that unfolded in December 2014. Due to Sam having more recently been given an injunction she is not able to give any more details of this regard.  


Life has never been the same since.


In March 2017, things began to get a whole lot worse. Every parent’s nightmare. Every child’s nightmare. As for how things are now? Even worse than they were before this nightmare began. Sam has even been prevented from telling her side of the story, the truth.


If it can happen to Sam and her boys, it can happen to anyone.



The aim of this campaign is to expose what really goes on within the secret family courts and to bring about changes. It is time that the public knew what goes on behind closed doors, as we truly believe that if people knew the extent of the atrocities that occur within the family courts, there would be a national outcry. 

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